Friday, September 3, 2010

Hardly At Work - Day 34

Today's theme was  a picture of where you work.  My jobs are stay at home Mom and wedding photographer.  Since I don't have a wedding until this Sunday I had to improvise.  Even though this is a photo of me taking a picture of the sunset while holding my son I actually took the photo too via tripod and 10 second delay.  That pretty much covers it!

Today was a pretty darn good day. Chad had the day off and he actually didn't go in to work at all.  A few phone calls, some online work here and there, but by far better than we've had it in literally months!!!  I woke up in the middle of the night last night and heard rain falling and sent out a quick prayer for more rain.  It was partly because we haven't had any in a couple of weeks, but mostly because if it rained all day Chad could skip mowing the lawn and actually relax.  The weather half cooperated, it rained late morning and early afternoon, but got absolutely gorgeous mid-afternoon on.  So he got some relaxing time in and still got the yard mowed.  Fair enough for me and not bad for the prayers of a heathen!!

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