Sunday, September 19, 2010

Got waaaaay behind - Days 46 through 50

I don't know how the days passed so fast, but all of the sudden I am all kinds of behind on this blog.  I did take at least a photo every day, but I didn't really stick with the themes so I am going to post something for each day here and then hopefully be back on track tomorrow.
Day 50: Theme = purple.  These are some flowers from my back yard.

Day 49: Theme - orange. Ethan is 9 months old today so he has to be my photo of the day. 

Day 48: Theme - Diversity.  I didn't even look at the theme before I took any photos this day so instead I have a picture of Ethan playing the "How big is Ethan?  SO BIG!" game that is a current favorite of his.  Oh, and he is wearing big brother Aidan's hat, but don't tell on him, okay?

Day 47: Theme - your cleaning products.  Ummmm...rain is nature's cleaning product, right?  We had a massive thunderstorm full of crazy winds and such roll in late in the afternoon.  Here is the view from my front porch during the beginning of the storm.

Day 46: Theme - Celebrate! Well, every day around here is a celebration.  Ethan seems to pick up a new skill every day. Today he shows off what a fine bunny rabbit impression he can do.

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