Today there was no theme, just a directive to use your own creativity. I don't know about creative, but this is a photo of where my friend Sandy & I went hiking today - Gorge Park in Cuyahoga Falls. This is the hydroelectric dam that the has been the center of controversy for years. The dam was built it 1915 to a) create a cooling pool for a coal fired power plant upstream of the dam and b) to power a hydro turbine downstream. The hydro-project was abandoned and demolished due to insufficient hydro-electrical production because of inadequate and unpredictable flow. Several years back a company applied for a permit to re-open the project even though the land is owned by the MetroParks. They say there is something in the land deed allowing them access. The fight is between those who say it will not provide enough power to offset the environmental impact and those who think the project is feasible.
See, now you learned a little bit today- how wonderful. I simply think that the dam is beautiful and especially when the water level is high (it is currently average/low) and the water coming down the falls hits the concrete pilings below creating water bursts up to 20 feet high. At those times the spray can carry over to the observation deck where I stood to take the photos and it is simply marvelous. Here is an old photo from March 2007 showing a little higher water volume, but still not full spate.
I'll have to get back there in the spring melt or after we have a ton of rain and post another photo.
Today was a good one with some un-fun moments. I slept in until 10:30, but woke and saw I had a call from my OB. Checked the message and found out the ultrasound appt I had scheduled for this Thursday to, amongst other things, try to find out the gender of the baby had been canceled due to a family emergency for the u/s tech. They re-scheduled it for a week from Thursday. I know it is only a week, but when you're pregnant that seems like forever and I am already 21 weeks which is later than most people I know are when they have this type of u/s. So I called the office and asked if I could have the u/s done at Akron Children's since my first one was done there because they wanted to check on my c-section scarring. Happily a doctor signed off on it and my new appt is for Monday the 20th. The u/s will be so much more in depth and they have a second monitor so I can see the entire process whereas at my doctor's the tech doesn't talk much, has the screen pointed at her 99% of the time and it just is nowhere near as cool. Happiness for me! Ethan & I had a coffee date with my friend Sandy since she was in town for a meeting. We decided to take a short hike at Gorge Park, but it turned into a long hike when I missed the turnoff that would have made it about 1/2 mile instead of 1.8 miles. I didn't have Ethan's hiking backpack so he got switched from hip to hip and I got a major workout!!! We picked Aidan up from school, came home and made dinner. Chad actually got out of work nearly as early as hoped and made it home for dinner. Both boys went to bed by 9:00 and I just don't know what to do with the rest of the evening. It is so rare for Ethan to go to sleep before 9:30-10PM but he only had an hour nap instead of his normal three so he was pooped!! Guess I'll watch some Buffy the Vampire Slayer while I iron. Such excitement, I don't know how I handle it all :o)
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