Today's theme is the first signs of fall. Obviously the leaves changing, my garden emptying and cool weather are some good signs. But the leaves here are still mainly unchanged, my garden is dug up and not pretty and a photo of the thermometer hovering around 60 degrees didn't appeal. So I wandered into my neighbor's yard and present to you a photo of her apple tree. She has a few that are so prolific that when the wind blows you can smell the fresh apples as well as the starting to rot ones on the ground. It doesn't sound appealing, but to me it is the smell of fall.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bubble Hmmmm...... Day 54
The theme was bubble gum, but yeah I don't really get that one so here instead is the bubble shaped barometer that Aidan presented to his class for a science experiment. He really loves science and is getting interested in weather and what causes it so his grandfather giving this to him was perfect. It is a simple water barometer and it was predicting a low pressure rain/storm system. It didn't rain until the next day at which time it was showing a high pressure sunny prediction. Now it is showing rainy again as I stare at the big fluffy clouds and blue sky. Oh well, it was fun to color the water and use the big plunger thingy to get it in the bubble anyway.
Goodnight Moon - Day 53
Today's theme was "my best friend" which would have been an easy assignment. However today was the autumnal equinox and also the full moon. Unfortunately I did not make it outside for moonrise which would have yielded a spectacular photo since this is the closest the equinox and full moonrise have been in almost 20 years it would have been one of the brightest and largest appearing moons. Anyway, I made it outside just about when autumn officially arrived at 11:03PM EST and here is the view I had.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Dog, The Stepstool - Day 52
Today's theme was "something out of place or random" and well, I guess the mousepad laying on the dog counts. And my son perched on the dog's back counts. Ethan loves to listen in when Chad is reading Aidan's bedtime story, but since Aidan's room is a deathtrap of small toys on low shelves Ethan generally sits out in the hallway and quietly plays. Last night he decided to get a little closer to the action and luckily Max was there to give a leg up. Literally. The dog is pretty patient with Ethan and lay there until Ethan climbed back down on his own. Good puppy! Oh, and yes, the baby is trying to eat his way through the gate.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sleepy one - Day 51
Today's theme was someone sleeping. I swear I stalked every person and animal, except my husband, while they were sleeping and every one of them woke up before I could snap a photo. Finally after waking Mew, our outdoor cat, from a nap I stood around until she started falling back asleep and got a photo. This is her new favorite place to snooze, on our lawn tractor. Mission accomplished!!
Today was a momentous day. I had my 22 week ultrasound and got a nice long look at our baby. We looked at arms and legs, fingers and toes, head and belly, heart and spine, the whole shebang. About 10 minutes into the exam the tech finally took a peek where I really wanted to and let me know I am carrying a baby girl!! That will be a first for our little family, but I know her big brother's will help toughen her up and also protect her from any harm. That is if her Daddy doesn't beat them to it. Now all the real planning can start!! Here is my favorite photos over her. The first is her face and upper body and the second is over her little back, butt and leg. Just a twist and she would've mooned us!!
Today was a momentous day. I had my 22 week ultrasound and got a nice long look at our baby. We looked at arms and legs, fingers and toes, head and belly, heart and spine, the whole shebang. About 10 minutes into the exam the tech finally took a peek where I really wanted to and let me know I am carrying a baby girl!! That will be a first for our little family, but I know her big brother's will help toughen her up and also protect her from any harm. That is if her Daddy doesn't beat them to it. Now all the real planning can start!! Here is my favorite photos over her. The first is her face and upper body and the second is over her little back, butt and leg. Just a twist and she would've mooned us!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Got waaaaay behind - Days 46 through 50
I don't know how the days passed so fast, but all of the sudden I am all kinds of behind on this blog. I did take at least a photo every day, but I didn't really stick with the themes so I am going to post something for each day here and then hopefully be back on track tomorrow.
Day 50: Theme = purple. These are some flowers from my back yard.
Day 49: Theme - orange. Ethan is 9 months old today so he has to be my photo of the day.
Day 48: Theme - Diversity. I didn't even look at the theme before I took any photos this day so instead I have a picture of Ethan playing the "How big is Ethan? SO BIG!" game that is a current favorite of his. Oh, and he is wearing big brother Aidan's hat, but don't tell on him, okay?
Day 47: Theme - your cleaning products. Ummmm...rain is nature's cleaning product, right? We had a massive thunderstorm full of crazy winds and such roll in late in the afternoon. Here is the view from my front porch during the beginning of the storm.
Day 46: Theme - Celebrate! Well, every day around here is a celebration. Ethan seems to pick up a new skill every day. Today he shows off what a fine bunny rabbit impression he can do.
Day 50: Theme = purple. These are some flowers from my back yard.
Day 49: Theme - orange. Ethan is 9 months old today so he has to be my photo of the day.
Day 48: Theme - Diversity. I didn't even look at the theme before I took any photos this day so instead I have a picture of Ethan playing the "How big is Ethan? SO BIG!" game that is a current favorite of his. Oh, and he is wearing big brother Aidan's hat, but don't tell on him, okay?
Day 47: Theme - your cleaning products. Ummmm...rain is nature's cleaning product, right? We had a massive thunderstorm full of crazy winds and such roll in late in the afternoon. Here is the view from my front porch during the beginning of the storm.
Day 46: Theme - Celebrate! Well, every day around here is a celebration. Ethan seems to pick up a new skill every day. Today he shows off what a fine bunny rabbit impression he can do.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Reality Flashback - Day 45
Today's theme was "reality TV" and we were to take a picture of someone pretending to be in a reality TV show. A little more effort than I felt up to since today was yet another blinding headache kinda day. The best I could do was to dig out this photo of Ethan watching Survivor with me back in May. It was funny because it was one of the first times he reacted to the TV, I think because the theme music was playing. He is much the same now that I am watching all of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer seasons yet again. I have it on in the background and both of us look up when the music starts and go back to whatever we were doing for the most part the rest of the show.
I didn't have the most productive day, mainly because I could not shake the headache. I finally got headed to the grocery store after 4PM and only when I went to pay did I realize my debit card was not in my wallet. I dug through the diaper bag, but no luck. Thankfully the store was kind enough to chuck my cart in the cooler while I ran to the bank for some cash. I was going to run home, but I had to go through the traffic circle and at 5PM it is not a fun place to be and the store said they'd only hang onto my stuff for about 30 minutes. By the time I got back, paid and loaded everything up Ethan was miserable. He was tired and hungry and I hadn't packed a bottle because I am an idiot. We finally got home, got him fed and once I put the groceries up I kinda collapsed on the living room floor for a while and let Ethan climb all over me while I rested. As I suspected my debit card was left at Olive Garden yesterday when I met Sandy for lunch. I will go pick it up tomorrow. Sigh...
I didn't have the most productive day, mainly because I could not shake the headache. I finally got headed to the grocery store after 4PM and only when I went to pay did I realize my debit card was not in my wallet. I dug through the diaper bag, but no luck. Thankfully the store was kind enough to chuck my cart in the cooler while I ran to the bank for some cash. I was going to run home, but I had to go through the traffic circle and at 5PM it is not a fun place to be and the store said they'd only hang onto my stuff for about 30 minutes. By the time I got back, paid and loaded everything up Ethan was miserable. He was tired and hungry and I hadn't packed a bottle because I am an idiot. We finally got home, got him fed and once I put the groceries up I kinda collapsed on the living room floor for a while and let Ethan climb all over me while I rested. As I suspected my debit card was left at Olive Garden yesterday when I met Sandy for lunch. I will go pick it up tomorrow. Sigh...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Cuyahoga Fall's Falls - Day 44
Today there was no theme, just a directive to use your own creativity. I don't know about creative, but this is a photo of where my friend Sandy & I went hiking today - Gorge Park in Cuyahoga Falls. This is the hydroelectric dam that the has been the center of controversy for years. The dam was built it 1915 to a) create a cooling pool for a coal fired power plant upstream of the dam and b) to power a hydro turbine downstream. The hydro-project was abandoned and demolished due to insufficient hydro-electrical production because of inadequate and unpredictable flow. Several years back a company applied for a permit to re-open the project even though the land is owned by the MetroParks. They say there is something in the land deed allowing them access. The fight is between those who say it will not provide enough power to offset the environmental impact and those who think the project is feasible.
See, now you learned a little bit today- how wonderful. I simply think that the dam is beautiful and especially when the water level is high (it is currently average/low) and the water coming down the falls hits the concrete pilings below creating water bursts up to 20 feet high. At those times the spray can carry over to the observation deck where I stood to take the photos and it is simply marvelous. Here is an old photo from March 2007 showing a little higher water volume, but still not full spate.
I'll have to get back there in the spring melt or after we have a ton of rain and post another photo.
Today was a good one with some un-fun moments. I slept in until 10:30, but woke and saw I had a call from my OB. Checked the message and found out the ultrasound appt I had scheduled for this Thursday to, amongst other things, try to find out the gender of the baby had been canceled due to a family emergency for the u/s tech. They re-scheduled it for a week from Thursday. I know it is only a week, but when you're pregnant that seems like forever and I am already 21 weeks which is later than most people I know are when they have this type of u/s. So I called the office and asked if I could have the u/s done at Akron Children's since my first one was done there because they wanted to check on my c-section scarring. Happily a doctor signed off on it and my new appt is for Monday the 20th. The u/s will be so much more in depth and they have a second monitor so I can see the entire process whereas at my doctor's the tech doesn't talk much, has the screen pointed at her 99% of the time and it just is nowhere near as cool. Happiness for me! Ethan & I had a coffee date with my friend Sandy since she was in town for a meeting. We decided to take a short hike at Gorge Park, but it turned into a long hike when I missed the turnoff that would have made it about 1/2 mile instead of 1.8 miles. I didn't have Ethan's hiking backpack so he got switched from hip to hip and I got a major workout!!! We picked Aidan up from school, came home and made dinner. Chad actually got out of work nearly as early as hoped and made it home for dinner. Both boys went to bed by 9:00 and I just don't know what to do with the rest of the evening. It is so rare for Ethan to go to sleep before 9:30-10PM but he only had an hour nap instead of his normal three so he was pooped!! Guess I'll watch some Buffy the Vampire Slayer while I iron. Such excitement, I don't know how I handle it all :o)
See, now you learned a little bit today- how wonderful. I simply think that the dam is beautiful and especially when the water level is high (it is currently average/low) and the water coming down the falls hits the concrete pilings below creating water bursts up to 20 feet high. At those times the spray can carry over to the observation deck where I stood to take the photos and it is simply marvelous. Here is an old photo from March 2007 showing a little higher water volume, but still not full spate.
I'll have to get back there in the spring melt or after we have a ton of rain and post another photo.
Today was a good one with some un-fun moments. I slept in until 10:30, but woke and saw I had a call from my OB. Checked the message and found out the ultrasound appt I had scheduled for this Thursday to, amongst other things, try to find out the gender of the baby had been canceled due to a family emergency for the u/s tech. They re-scheduled it for a week from Thursday. I know it is only a week, but when you're pregnant that seems like forever and I am already 21 weeks which is later than most people I know are when they have this type of u/s. So I called the office and asked if I could have the u/s done at Akron Children's since my first one was done there because they wanted to check on my c-section scarring. Happily a doctor signed off on it and my new appt is for Monday the 20th. The u/s will be so much more in depth and they have a second monitor so I can see the entire process whereas at my doctor's the tech doesn't talk much, has the screen pointed at her 99% of the time and it just is nowhere near as cool. Happiness for me! Ethan & I had a coffee date with my friend Sandy since she was in town for a meeting. We decided to take a short hike at Gorge Park, but it turned into a long hike when I missed the turnoff that would have made it about 1/2 mile instead of 1.8 miles. I didn't have Ethan's hiking backpack so he got switched from hip to hip and I got a major workout!!! We picked Aidan up from school, came home and made dinner. Chad actually got out of work nearly as early as hoped and made it home for dinner. Both boys went to bed by 9:00 and I just don't know what to do with the rest of the evening. It is so rare for Ethan to go to sleep before 9:30-10PM but he only had an hour nap instead of his normal three so he was pooped!! Guess I'll watch some Buffy the Vampire Slayer while I iron. Such excitement, I don't know how I handle it all :o)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunshine and Patriotism - Day 43
Well how perfect is this, today's theme is "Clouds on a Sunny Day" and I got to take the photo I wanted to take yesterday for 9-11/Patriot's Day. I dunno why, but the whole Patriot's Day thing seems weird. It's really no different than Memorial Day in that we are recalling those who died violently for our country, but I guess the pain comes because Memorial Day commemorates those who sacrificed themselves and Patriot's Day is for those who were unwillingly sacrificed.
Falling Back on an Old Photo - Day 42
Today's theme was "Remembrance" in honor of Patriot's Day, the 9th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. I wanted to take a photo of the American flag that I can see most of the windows in my house, but it was flying at half mast so the freeway kinda cut it off. Instead I have a photo I took on the first anniversary of the attacks. I thought it was perfect that a rainbow appeared that day.
Had a good day running a couple of errands, but mostly just hanging out and playing with the boys. It seems weird to say it, but Aidan losing access to all his toys and TV/PC has been great for his relationship with Ethan. They play together and have a fabulous time. I will have to keep this going when he does start getting his stuff back or it will break Ethan's heart.
Had a good day running a couple of errands, but mostly just hanging out and playing with the boys. It seems weird to say it, but Aidan losing access to all his toys and TV/PC has been great for his relationship with Ethan. They play together and have a fabulous time. I will have to keep this going when he does start getting his stuff back or it will break Ethan's heart.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Music and Laughter - Day 41
Today's theme was music so here is a photo of our combo phonograph/CD/Tape/AM-FM Radio player/recorder. I bought it for Chad our first Christmas together because he has such a great collection of vinyl records and I wanted to record them to CD & put them on my external hard drive in case anything ever happened to them. Ummm......still haven't gotten around to that. One of my favorite memories of when we dated back in college is of us standing in the entrance way of the MAC Center on Kent State's campus waiting out a rainstorm. The entrance was huge with high ceilings so Chad started doing the long Noah's conversation with God on the building of the Ark from one of Bill Cosby's comedy recordings. He had the whole thing memorized and it was a great oration, his voice boomed off the ceiling just like on the record. We still listen to those records every once in a while and laugh our butts off!
Today was pretty great in a mellow non-exciting to anyone but me way. Chad actually had the whole day off (yes, two Fridays in a row!) and we all slept in and bummed around until he had to go pick Aidan up from school. Ethan fell asleep for a huge 3 hour nap just before Chad left so I did all of my chores and prepped supper. After Ethan woke up, just after 5PM, he and I went in the back yard and picked some more yummy Concord grapes and then played in the grass until the guys got home from visiting my mother-in-law. Aidan had a good day at school, phew! After supper Aidan was pushing Ethan all around the house in a cardboard box which was adorable. I took a bunch of photos, but didn't realize that I'd removed the memory card from the camera earlier. My new camera is much more subtle about saying the card is out so that was a bummer. The boys both went to bed at 10PM and now Chad is watching Spenser for Hire on his PC while I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD and edit the photos from last weekend's wedding. I feel so much like a real family when we all get to spend time together like today.
Today was pretty great in a mellow non-exciting to anyone but me way. Chad actually had the whole day off (yes, two Fridays in a row!) and we all slept in and bummed around until he had to go pick Aidan up from school. Ethan fell asleep for a huge 3 hour nap just before Chad left so I did all of my chores and prepped supper. After Ethan woke up, just after 5PM, he and I went in the back yard and picked some more yummy Concord grapes and then played in the grass until the guys got home from visiting my mother-in-law. Aidan had a good day at school, phew! After supper Aidan was pushing Ethan all around the house in a cardboard box which was adorable. I took a bunch of photos, but didn't realize that I'd removed the memory card from the camera earlier. My new camera is much more subtle about saying the card is out so that was a bummer. The boys both went to bed at 10PM and now Chad is watching Spenser for Hire on his PC while I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD and edit the photos from last weekend's wedding. I feel so much like a real family when we all get to spend time together like today.
Art of My Heart - Day 40
Today's theme was art and so here are the two favorite groups of art in my house, photos of the boys. Aidan was kinda adamant that Ethan not infiltrate his already established wall of photos so each has their own and I really like the effect even though it means I kinda have to cheat and use two photos since they're on walls across from each other. All of Ethan's photos and most of Aidan's were taken by me though Aidan's baby ones predate me knowing him so were from Chad's collection.
Today Aidan was at home because his Principal called Chad and Aidan in for a meeting first thing this AM and gave Aidan a one day suspension from school for yesterday's incident. Aidan spent the day doing chores, chores and more chores. Hopefully he learned something from it. He also practiced some ways to pull himself together when he gets upset so he doesn't have anything like this happen again. Once his chores were done he had about 30 minutes to relax before I took him to his Mom's and he spent it playing with Ethan. He's been pretty hands off with his little brother though he likes him a ton, but today he was picking him up and crawling around on the floor with him. Ethan was over the moon happy because Aidan is his hero!! He crawled up into Aidan's lap just before we left and gave him a big hug. I didn't get a picture of that, but this is from just after. I figure if I am bending the rules today I might as well go crazy.
Today Aidan was at home because his Principal called Chad and Aidan in for a meeting first thing this AM and gave Aidan a one day suspension from school for yesterday's incident. Aidan spent the day doing chores, chores and more chores. Hopefully he learned something from it. He also practiced some ways to pull himself together when he gets upset so he doesn't have anything like this happen again. Once his chores were done he had about 30 minutes to relax before I took him to his Mom's and he spent it playing with Ethan. He's been pretty hands off with his little brother though he likes him a ton, but today he was picking him up and crawling around on the floor with him. Ethan was over the moon happy because Aidan is his hero!! He crawled up into Aidan's lap just before we left and gave him a big hug. I didn't get a picture of that, but this is from just after. I figure if I am bending the rules today I might as well go crazy.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Best Part of My Morning - Day 39
Well, I don't have a picture to go with today's theme "the thing you can't live without in the morning" because that would be the kiss good-bye I get every morning from my husband. I am usually still asleep and only dig myself out from under my pillows and blankets long enough to stick out my head get my kiss and a hug. He says "Have a good day." and I reply "Have a better one. Be smart." and we say our I love you and goodbye. So yeah, no pictures of that. Today I was awake and feeling like utter crap with yet another headache before Chad left. Luckily, I actually remembered where my aspirin was and was already shaking the pain off when I came across this cute sight in the living room.
He was playing with the toy under the table because he apparently was so eager to make some music he didn't want to wait for Mama to pull it out. Silly boy!
Today was good and bad. I was productive, ran some errands and had fun with Ethan. Aidan had some serious discipline issues at school and his Mom had to go pick him up early. It has been one major incident every week since school started and it is just so frustrating. Even the teacher agrees that he can be the best behaved, most respectful and delightful child until something sets him off. And it is always something so small and silly to us, but whatever it is equals the end of his world to him. Today it had to do with him missing the opportunity to go to the bathroom after lunch when his table was told it was their turn. He accused the teacher of not calling their table, then refused to go when she said he could if he needed to. Somehow that escalated into him telling her he was never speaking to her ever again, screaming his head off and then running out of class to hide in his locker. For 30 minutes. Sometimes we think about counseling, but we know they will say the lame b.s. about ADHD or some such thing and want to put him on medication and none of us think that is the case. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a better one.
He was playing with the toy under the table because he apparently was so eager to make some music he didn't want to wait for Mama to pull it out. Silly boy!
Today was good and bad. I was productive, ran some errands and had fun with Ethan. Aidan had some serious discipline issues at school and his Mom had to go pick him up early. It has been one major incident every week since school started and it is just so frustrating. Even the teacher agrees that he can be the best behaved, most respectful and delightful child until something sets him off. And it is always something so small and silly to us, but whatever it is equals the end of his world to him. Today it had to do with him missing the opportunity to go to the bathroom after lunch when his table was told it was their turn. He accused the teacher of not calling their table, then refused to go when she said he could if he needed to. Somehow that escalated into him telling her he was never speaking to her ever again, screaming his head off and then running out of class to hide in his locker. For 30 minutes. Sometimes we think about counseling, but we know they will say the lame b.s. about ADHD or some such thing and want to put him on medication and none of us think that is the case. Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a better one.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Outside Looking In - Day 38
Okay, back on the daily theme train. Today's is "Glass" so I decided to hunt for a kaleidoscope to try to take a picture through it. Well, I couldn't find it and honestly didn't feel like looking too hard. Ethan, being the wonderful kid he is, came through for me by crawling up to the picture window in our living room and giving me the idea of taking a photo of him looking through the glass at me. Max just bettered it by being the nosy dog that he is.
Today has been fairly productive. Doing laundry, vacuumed everywhere and stream cleaned the back half of the house. The front half will have to wait until my small crawler goes to bed. I was going to wash my car, but now it's looking like it is about to rain, so oh well on that.
Today has been fairly productive. Doing laundry, vacuumed everywhere and stream cleaned the back half of the house. The front half will have to wait until my small crawler goes to bed. I was going to wash my car, but now it's looking like it is about to rain, so oh well on that.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sploosh and Splash!! Day 37
Happy Labor Day! Just too be contrary we had a very labor-free day of relaxing, photo editing yesterday's wedding and most fun of all - BATH TIME!!! Ethan has loved the water since day one. We take our time, splash a lot and have nothing but fun!!!
Just A Perfect Day - Day 36
I had over 450 photos yesterday to choose from, not bad for 3 hours worth of wedding photography. With all that material I decided not to stick with the theme of "favorite electronic" for today. While I also do the more traditional showing of the wedding rings on the bride's bouquet I like this version better when the wedding dress has such pretty detail work on it.
The bride and groom were tons of fun, the wedding and reception all took place in the sister of the bride's backyard which was indescribably beautiful so I have to cheat and include another photo.
This background is just about the same as the ceremony's since the cake was about 10 ft to the right of where the vows were exchanged. Anyway, the weather was beautiful and I even got a photo of the bride and groom with her parent's holding shotguns on either side of them. Too darn funny, even though it wasn't a real shotgun wedding it made for a great photo.
The bride and groom were tons of fun, the wedding and reception all took place in the sister of the bride's backyard which was indescribably beautiful so I have to cheat and include another photo.
This background is just about the same as the ceremony's since the cake was about 10 ft to the right of where the vows were exchanged. Anyway, the weather was beautiful and I even got a photo of the bride and groom with her parent's holding shotguns on either side of them. Too darn funny, even though it wasn't a real shotgun wedding it made for a great photo.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I Love My Car - Day 35
Today's theme is your car which made me mucho happy because I love my car. It was my "fun car for before I have kids" that has turned into my "still a fun car even with kids" but will soon be my "old car that was too small for 3 kids" sometime before January 2011. It is a 2002 Mini Cooper. Note the sexy, curvaceous front end that is no longer available on new models just because the curves tend to drag people under the car if they're hit. Picky, picky, picky!!
My husband will be glad of today's theme because it meant I washed the car, something that used to be done twice a week but is now a bi-weekly event if not monthly since baby arrived. Besides being amazing to drive this is also one of the safest cars out there. It is built like a tank, tons of airbags, great visibility and by far the best performing car in the snow. We have had over 38,000 miles of fun together in the just over 3 years I have owned it and I know no other car will ever take it's place in my heart. That being said - anyone wanna buy it? Just kidding, you can't have it.......yet!!!
My husband will be glad of today's theme because it meant I washed the car, something that used to be done twice a week but is now a bi-weekly event if not monthly since baby arrived. Besides being amazing to drive this is also one of the safest cars out there. It is built like a tank, tons of airbags, great visibility and by far the best performing car in the snow. We have had over 38,000 miles of fun together in the just over 3 years I have owned it and I know no other car will ever take it's place in my heart. That being said - anyone wanna buy it? Just kidding, you can't have it.......yet!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hardly At Work - Day 34
Today's theme was a picture of where you work. My jobs are stay at home Mom and wedding photographer. Since I don't have a wedding until this Sunday I had to improvise. Even though this is a photo of me taking a picture of the sunset while holding my son I actually took the photo too via tripod and 10 second delay. That pretty much covers it!
Today was a pretty darn good day. Chad had the day off and he actually didn't go in to work at all. A few phone calls, some online work here and there, but by far better than we've had it in literally months!!! I woke up in the middle of the night last night and heard rain falling and sent out a quick prayer for more rain. It was partly because we haven't had any in a couple of weeks, but mostly because if it rained all day Chad could skip mowing the lawn and actually relax. The weather half cooperated, it rained late morning and early afternoon, but got absolutely gorgeous mid-afternoon on. So he got some relaxing time in and still got the yard mowed. Fair enough for me and not bad for the prayers of a heathen!!
Today was a pretty darn good day. Chad had the day off and he actually didn't go in to work at all. A few phone calls, some online work here and there, but by far better than we've had it in literally months!!! I woke up in the middle of the night last night and heard rain falling and sent out a quick prayer for more rain. It was partly because we haven't had any in a couple of weeks, but mostly because if it rained all day Chad could skip mowing the lawn and actually relax. The weather half cooperated, it rained late morning and early afternoon, but got absolutely gorgeous mid-afternoon on. So he got some relaxing time in and still got the yard mowed. Fair enough for me and not bad for the prayers of a heathen!!
Outdoor Fruit Drawer- Day 33
The theme was a picture of your fridge, but I neither felt like cleaning it up nor photo shopping an image of Gozer the Gozerian from Ghostbusters onto the interior. So instead here is a picture of some goodies from my outdoor fruit and veggie storage, a.k.a. my yard. After 2 years of forgetting and losing all the grapes to the birds I finally happened to find them ripe and not completely eaten. Much to my joy I discovered they are Concord grapes, my absolute, complete and utter favorite kind!!! I was just telling my Mom how I was craving those specific grapes yesterday!!! There weren't bushels but I got a big bowlful and still have some on the vines to fight the birds for.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sweet Tooth - Day 32
Theme of the day is your favorite candy. I'm not really the one with a sweet tooth in my house, I'd rather grab a piece of fruit than a candy bar. My husband however takes sweet tooth to a new level. We were kinda low on stocked candy, but here is an glimpse of what was laying around. I will admit that the Twizzlers and Snickers bar are mine. Pregnancy does give me a taste for chocolate and I always have loved Twizzlers.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My Daddy, My Hero!! Day 31
Today's theme is "my hero" and that was a no brainer. It is my Dad, my P-Paw-Di-Daddly-O, my Pep, and also Dadoo. He has been the man in my life through all my ups and downs. He was the one that taught me to get back on the horse when it throws you, to be tough but kind, that you can only expect to get top notch results if you put in top notch effort. Well on that last on he actually said "First class, not half-assed." but I know what he meant. He always said "Be smart." every day when I left for school and even when I did some dumb stuff he was always there to give a hug and tell me the lesson my punishment was going to teach me. He is intelligent, hard-working, kind and caring, a total romantic (even we kids got candy on Valentine's and Sweetest Days) and a darn funny guy. I am finding out that his penchant for making up nonsense songs is hereditary and am becoming more grateful for that every day. I love ya, Pep!! I just wish we lived closer so I could have come and taken a picture today instead of using one from last month. This has also brought to my attention that I don't have a single recent photo of me and my Dad together so I will have to remedy that ASAP.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Big Evil, Seducer of Innocents - Day 30
The theme of the day is "Your favorite place to relax and think in your town." excluding your home. Sadly, the place I go far more often than anywhere else is the Wal-Mart Supercenter. I do go sometimes just to walk around and have some away from home time, especially since it has been so unbearably hot this summer. Once upon a time several jobs and almost 10 years ago I was the account coordinator for one of Wal-Mart's main plastic sign suppliers The "Ask for help with items on the top shelf." signs were all us. Random tidbit - Wal-Mart almost changed it to "Ask for assistance" but thought their average shopper might not understand that as well as "Ask for help" so they think we're all pretty dumb. If you ever see the "Ask for assistance" version it is because my company ordered the wrong ones but Wal-Mart would not waste them - hope we didn't confuse anyone with that multi-syllabic word in there. Anyway, I avoided the place for years afterwards, but since this is 1 exit up the freeway from me and open 24 hours it is too convenient to not go to. I am a lemming.
This was taken with my sister-in-law's Konica Minolta Dynax 7D - which may become mine once I test drive it a bit. It's only a 6.1megapixel, but outperforms mine at night without flash like in this shot. it also has awesome anti-shake and a nifty review mode that shows under and overexposed areas in the photo just taken. Lovin' it and the awesome zoom lens it came with, I will now be a double camera toting wedding photographer. How cool am I?
This was taken with my sister-in-law's Konica Minolta Dynax 7D - which may become mine once I test drive it a bit. It's only a 6.1megapixel, but outperforms mine at night without flash like in this shot. it also has awesome anti-shake and a nifty review mode that shows under and overexposed areas in the photo just taken. Lovin' it and the awesome zoom lens it came with, I will now be a double camera toting wedding photographer. How cool am I?
We've Been Adopted - Day 29
Today's theme was "your favorite piece of clothing" but as I am in maternity clothes I have no favorite at the moment except maybe my comfy boxers and no one gets to see those but me and my husband! Instead here is a photo of the kitty that has officially adopted us. Currently going by the creative name of Mew she came home via Chad from the Kia store he works at. They figured our woods were a better home than the dumpster she was living under, but warned that she was feral and no one could get near her so she had to be caught in a trap for transport. Needless to say she & I were buddies within a week and she was fearless, not feral. She disappeared about two weeks ago and I feared the worst, but I heard her distinctive "mew" on Saturday night and went out to see her. She was just fine so I brought her to the garage to eat and she hasn't left since. She even spends the nights with Max out in the garage. Not planning on letting her in the house since we already have two cats and a dog.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Pat A Cake Party! - Day 28
Yeah, had to put my own twist on today's theme "Close up of a couple holding hands". This is a photo of a couple of the greatest brothers ever. Aidan was a huge help entertaining Ethan tonight while I made dinner. They played a version of the shell game with Aidan hiding Ethan's keys under one of the margarine tubs, swirling them around and letting Ethan guess where it was. Ethan guessed correctly almost every time which cracked Aidan up, it was kinda weird how accurate he was. Then Aidan decided the margarine tubs made a great hat and Ethan clearly agreed because he kept all three of them on for almost 45 minutes. Finally they played Pat-A-Cake and baked enough cakes for the whole family including the dog who appears to be looking for his in the photo. Yup, a good day!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Home Sweet Home - Day 27
Today the theme was "the view from your back door". Nice and straightforward, I like it. I also really love my back yard. This is actually the view from my driveway since the back door is a slider and the porch roof cuts into the view too much. We have grass, our lovely little white fence which starts what I think of as our park. The park (or back back as my husband calls it) has some nice trees so me and the boys like to play out there. The woods (or the way back in Chad-speak) are ours to for about an acre and have some trails, deer, a badger and according to Chad a weasel he spotted last week. We used to have an outdoor kitty that I was feeding but she went missing almost two weeks ago. I am rather hoping that has nothing to do with the new weasel. And we have lovely I-76 on the far right complete with exit ramp. I like it though I know most people think I am crazy. It makes for interesting people watching and the sound is mostly blocked out in the house, but is soothing regardless. I am hoping we get to use Ethan's pool a few more times this season, but it has a tear in the bottom that I need to patch first.
Today has been an okay day. Chad is supposed to have Friday's off but went in from 10-2:45. Grrrr.....especially since Wednesday is his other day off and he went to work from 9-4:30 that day. Ethan's cold is a little better today, mine is a little worse. Aidan, aside from a debacle on Monday, had an excellent first week at school which is absolutely fabulous and more than I had hoped for. Going to get some couch time in tonight with the husband, we're watching Season 5 of Weeds on Netflix. Instant view through our Wii has been such a blessing - I can't think of the last time I watched something live on TV - yay!
Today has been an okay day. Chad is supposed to have Friday's off but went in from 10-2:45. Grrrr.....especially since Wednesday is his other day off and he went to work from 9-4:30 that day. Ethan's cold is a little better today, mine is a little worse. Aidan, aside from a debacle on Monday, had an excellent first week at school which is absolutely fabulous and more than I had hoped for. Going to get some couch time in tonight with the husband, we're watching Season 5 of Weeds on Netflix. Instant view through our Wii has been such a blessing - I can't think of the last time I watched something live on TV - yay!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Air Jakey!! Day 26
Today we were supposed to take a photo of someone jumping in the air. Since Ethan and I are camping our in our PJs all day on account of both having cruddy colds neither of us were destined to be the subject of today's photo. Fortunately I have a dog and two cats and just like in the cartoons Max cannot resist chasing the kitties. So I simply plopped a cat, Jake to be specific, in front of him and followed with my camera. I'd have used Huggers, but she is too furry and too fast and tends to blur at any shutter speed :o)
Yeah, I know the cat is more in the act of landing than in midair, but this is all I have to give today. Sorry.
Yeah, I know the cat is more in the act of landing than in midair, but this is all I have to give today. Sorry.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
E is for...... Day 25
Today's theme was to pick a letter and photograph something that started with that letter. This is not a new photo, it was actually from Ethan's 3 month old photos that never made the final cut because he was too squirmy for me to get far enough to frame it and he was squinty. I do want to utilize his lovely letter 'E' in a future photo shoot with him, but at the moment it would either a) be in his mouth b) be used to bean himself, me or both in the head or c) be offered up to the dog as a treat so I will have to be patient. Anyway, 'E' is for Ethan who is my Everything, my Eternal Joy and my Extra Sweet Little Guy.
Today was a good and bad day. Good because I got a deposit to hold a date for wedding photography job in December. Then I got a call to book me for another wedding in October, deposit to be made tomorrow. Oddly enough that was a referral from my ex-husband who didn't even know I have made photography my career, he just knew I'd always wanted to. It was actually his niece that got me started on people photos, since I was always called on to take photos of her and her friends all dressed up for their high school formal dances. The bad of the day is that Ethan has a cold. This is only the second time he has been sick in his life which is really good, but his little cough breaks my heart and a runny nose is not his best look. I also had another darn migraine. Bad enough that I only have a hazy recollection of this afternoon. Thank goodness Ethan is a self-entertainer and we've set up a baby safe play area in the living room. I turned his toy bin on its side and lay on the floor and let him crawl around and over me until he finally napped. I thought I was done with those (they're pregnancy related) because I went 4 days without one last week, but had one Sunday and now today so I guess I'll be investing in more Tylenol.
Today was a good and bad day. Good because I got a deposit to hold a date for wedding photography job in December. Then I got a call to book me for another wedding in October, deposit to be made tomorrow. Oddly enough that was a referral from my ex-husband who didn't even know I have made photography my career, he just knew I'd always wanted to. It was actually his niece that got me started on people photos, since I was always called on to take photos of her and her friends all dressed up for their high school formal dances. The bad of the day is that Ethan has a cold. This is only the second time he has been sick in his life which is really good, but his little cough breaks my heart and a runny nose is not his best look. I also had another darn migraine. Bad enough that I only have a hazy recollection of this afternoon. Thank goodness Ethan is a self-entertainer and we've set up a baby safe play area in the living room. I turned his toy bin on its side and lay on the floor and let him crawl around and over me until he finally napped. I thought I was done with those (they're pregnancy related) because I went 4 days without one last week, but had one Sunday and now today so I guess I'll be investing in more Tylenol.
Yay, I Got to Light the Tower On Fire - Day 24
Today's theme was light and I was so proud because as soon as I read the theme I knew I wanted to get a photo of my favorite kind of light, candlelight. I just needed to wait until dark to get the shot I planned. And then I forgot until the next morning. Grrr.... But I waited all day and here is the result. I love this spiraling tower of candles, but I so rarely light it. Between the kids, the cats and the dog something would likely get too close and cause mischief. Someday though I do hope to enjoy its soft light while cuddled up with my so often absent husband and just enjoy silence.
I also realize that since I had gotten behind I have been skipping out on making note of the small happenings of my daily world. The 24th was Aidan's first day of second grade. It could've gone better, but he made it through.
I also realize that since I had gotten behind I have been skipping out on making note of the small happenings of my daily world. The 24th was Aidan's first day of second grade. It could've gone better, but he made it through.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Laundry Anyone Would Love - Day 23
The theme for today was piles of laundry, but I am putting my usual twist on it and posting a photo of the laundry line we decorated with disposable diapers for my sister's baby shower yesterday.
I am also going to cheat and post a photo of my sister and I standing bump to bump. I am 18 weeks pregnant and she is about to be 32 weeks. It has been absolutely wonderful and such a bonding experience to share our pregnancies.
I am also going to cheat and post a photo of my sister and I standing bump to bump. I am 18 weeks pregnant and she is about to be 32 weeks. It has been absolutely wonderful and such a bonding experience to share our pregnancies.
Ottoman - an empire or a footrest? Day 22
Today's theme was your favorite piece of furniture. I know it will come as a huge shock to many who know me, but it is not my bed. I consider sleep a hobby, napping an art form and the power nap a myth and a tease. Truly though my favorite piece of furniture is my ottoman. It is so versatile!!! I use it as a computer desk, I have napped on it both as a standalone bed as well as sliding it on over to the couch when my husband is taking up the legroom I crave. It was where I slept the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy and where Ethan pulled up and stood for the first time. It has been a place to eat, play board games, and even been a ship on the high seas of Aidan's imagination. In short, it is a handy dandy bit of cloth and wood.
My Own City Builder - Day 21
Today's theme is architecture and fortunately I live with an architect. My stepson probably spends almost half his playtime either building with Legos, blocks, wood and whatever nails and such he can get from his Dad or literally anything he can get his hands on. I went to him and requested a building, just any old thing he could dream up on short notice. Here is what he came up with. I love that kid, he is such a kook!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Try This On For Size - Day 20
Today's theme was a kid playing dress-up. Ethan is not really into clothes or dressing up as a super hero quite yet. But he loves all the cars Daddy brings home. This week it has been a Pontiac Solstice and even though when Ethan got to sit in the driver's seat last night he spit up all over it Daddy let him give it another try tonight. Ethan likes the car but really wants a Porsche Boxster to come home soon.
Neck Embraces - Day 19
Today's theme was your favorite jewelry, but aside from my wedding ring I never really wore anything except necklaces and they came off shortly after Ethan was born. Instead I let these monkeys hang around my neck as often as possible. Aidan & Ethan are more precious than diamonds and glow brighter than all the gold in Ft. Knox.
Eight Months Ago Today an Angel Came to Earth! - Day 18
Someone forgot to tell my baby boy that he is a human now and supposed to not be the most perfect, sweet, well-behaved little guy ever. I'm not going to complain. This has without a doubt been the best eight months of my life. Every day I think it can't possibly get any better and every day is the best day of my life.
Welcome to Liquor Lane - Population - Me! Day 17
Yes, I have gotten behind again. Between getting things ready for my sister's baby shower on Sunday and getting myself organized around the house I let a few days slip by. I am pulling a switcheroo today because the theme is supposed to be Numbers, and tomorrow's theme is Street Signs. I am combining the two to bring you the aisle sign from my local Acme Fresh Market. If you don't have Acme's nearby you won't know that they often name the aisles after major roads from the town they're in. I live on Southeast Avenue here in beautiful Tallmadge, OH and below is the selection of goods you can find in the aisle named after my street. Gotta laugh!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Pollen Addict- Day 16
Today's theme is insects and boy am I always on board for snapping a pic of one of my many-legged friends! I missed a great opportunity for photos at bug-ridden the playground at Sims Park in Euclid today - I left both real cameras at my Mom's and only had my phone. Blech! The photos I got were terrible so when I finally got home after spending the day up at my parents I rushed outside in the fast fading light and found one dedicated bee still hard at work collecting pollen. Bottoms up!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Reflections of the past - Day 15
For the first time I am going with a photo I didn't take. Today's theme is reflections and to me my reflection doesn't just live in the mirror, it is also lives in my son. I look at the photo below which is of my parents, my sisters and brother and myself (I'm the little one on Mom's lap) and not only do I see all of my nieces and nephews not just in their parents reflections but in all of ours. For instance I see one sister in my son eyes all the time. I also can see a lot of myself in my Mother, she was only 2 years younger than I am now in this photo. My sister is having a baby shower a week from today and I find myself wondering whose reflection will I see in her son? His mother & father certainly, but I'm sure an aunt, uncle, grandparent or great-grandparent will be there to if we just look. And reflect.
Plastic is fantastic!! Day 14
Today's theme was plastic - another challenging one. When I look around my house all I see is plastic!! Bottles, electronics, and toys, toys, toys. Of all the plastic toys Ethan has here is one of his favorites, the laundry basket. Good for climbing on or in, you can beat out a nifty rhythm on it or wear it as an accessory!! The perfect toy!
Mountain Man - Day 13
I didn't take this photo today, it is from a week or two ago when I was hiking at Virginia Kendall Ledges. It was my second choice for photo of the day that day and since today's theme is photographer's choice I choose this photo. The rock is part of the overlook which has a view of the entire Cuyahoga Valley and to me this guy looks like he is permanently standing watch over the land. I hope he proves an ever vigilant sentinel and the parks are still a beautiful place to spend the day when my children's children's children can enjoy them.
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